Mackert Automotive
3416 B 57th St. Court NW, Gig Harbor, WA 98335 253.851.3307

Safe Driving in WA: Eliminating Food Distractions

Last Updated: Jul 18, 2019

So, what’s most distracting food in the car?

Is it:

  1. A Hamburger?
  2. Coffee
  3. A Soft Drink
  4. Twizzlers

Well, all but the licorice makes the top ten, but coffee’s the number one food distraction.

These distractions cause 25% of all car crashes, over a million and a half each year.

All the top ten distracting food items are messy. You might spill, then try to clean up. If you’ve got to eat on the run, take five, then drive. And keep drinks in spill-proof containers.

So, taking a food break… Or filling out accident reports. It’s a no brainer.

We want you to keep your eyes, and your mind, on the road.

Give us a call

Mackert Automotive
3416 B 57th St. Court NW
Gig Harbor, WA 98335